General Rules Regarding Behavior

* Students are expected to reach the school 10 min. before the first bell.
* Every pupil of the school is requested to have a copy of the school diary which must be brought to school on all
school days. Failing which one may forfeit that days attendance
* Students will not be permitted to [eave the school during the school hours. Half day wilt be granted on[y in case of illness and if parents come to take the child.
* Student must bring daily all the required books and are expected to take care of their Belongings.
* Students are not allowed to keep any cash/valuable item with them.
* students are also not allowed to keep bring cash any articles tike watches ornaments, costly fountain pens,
mobile phones, CDs pen drive etc.
* Students are also prohibited to bring to the school any books or periodicals or articles other than text book and
other articles prescribed by the School authorities.
* The School does not accept any responsibility or otherwise for accidents.
* Use of profane words and insulting language will be considered a serious offence and the punishment can
amount to student’s rustication from the school.
* Every student is expected to bring credit to his/her school and his/her parents by his/her good conduct. It
shall be imperative for him/her to show common courtesy speech and behavior and observe rules of
personal cleanliness and behavior.
* Discipline and decent behaviors are the highest priority. Every student is expected to obey the teachers
and follow all the rules and regulations.
* In all matters pertaining to studies, behaviors and welfare of the students, the decision of the head of
institution is final unbinding.
* Any damage caused to the school furniture equipment and other properties will be viewed seriously. Besides
recovering adequate amount towards compensation disciplinary action will also be taken against the
concerned. Pupil coming to school in improper uniform is liable to be fined or sent back home.
* One should moreover make oneself acquainted with the rules & obey them ignorance of the rules will plead
no excuse.
* Student’s shouted use English as the medium of conversation in the school premises. Using any
language other than English will result in the deduction of marks of the house in which he/she belongs and a fine
of Rs. 10 at a time.