
Morning assembly is an integral part of the schools schedule. in our school morning assembly starts around 8:15 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. in the morning which includes prayers, information of latest happening, inspiring thoughts, speech, national anthem etc. Morning assembly is an important for childs development. in our school assembly held in different languages like hindi, sanskrit and english on different themes to develop linguistic skills among the child.

Importance of Morning assembly:

(a) To develop a feeling of affilation and unity among students.

(b) To aquiaint students with the school programme more clearly.

(c) To develop in students a sense of identity with me school.

(d) To enable students to share their experience stories, anecdotes with others.

(e) To provides them training in good social behaviour desired in public life.

(f) To motivate students by positive reinforcement in the form of praise or reward awarded in public.

(g) To celebrate national festivals, Independence day, Republic day, Birthdays of great leaders and so on. These leaders could be political leaders, scientists, poets, writes and so on.

(h) To fascilitate moral and religious development of students.

(i) To fascilitate national integration and secularism through all religion prayer meetings among students.