Exam Policy

Exams. will be conducted strictly as per model laid by Education department. There will be 2 Summative Assessments and 4 Formatives Assessments for Nur – VIII. Quarterly, Unit test(excluding quarterly, Half discussant yearly and Final Examination) will be held from the 20th of the month. If 20th happens to be holiday the test will start on the next working day, (IX-XII)

All papers of examination except those of selection and annual Promotion examination will be sent to the Parents/guardians between 5th and 10th days of every month and they should send them back on
the next day itself after their counter signature. Parents/Guardians are also requested to scrutinize the answer book of their ward carefully and to take all measures to improve his/her standard. Any alteration
done of the answer paper with regard to marks or answers by the students or parents will be viewed serious and punishment for such unauthorized alteration will extent up to removal of the student from the institution.

The Head of the Institution will be glad to meet the Parents guardians to discuss with them the progress of their children. There will be a parents-teachers meeting on last Saturday of every month. The name and relationship of the guardians with respect to each student should be intimated to the school authorities in the beginning
of the year so that the said guardians could be entertained for discussions with the head of the Instiution.
The management will try to convene meeting of the parents/guardians in the second quarter of the session to invite suggestion for improvement. The Institution will be open for inspection by education and other concerned authorities.