
The practice of Yoga about creating balance in the body of developing both strength and flexibility. This is accomplished by performing a series of postures or poses which are designed for specific benefit to each part of your body.

In our school yoga activity has been conducted everyday. A group of children practiced it everyday in the instruction of P.T. Teacher. In our school every year yoga day celebrated.

The benefit of yoga:

(1) Yoga improve flexibility.

yoga poses work by safety stretching your muscles and all other soft tissues in your body.

(2) yoga improve strength.

some styles of yoga are more vigrous than others. Yoga activity improves core strength of body.

(3) Yoga improves posture.

some styles of yoga increased flexibility and strength of our body which help to improves our body posture.

(4) yoga improves breathing and lung capacity.

most forms of yoga emphasize long and deep breathing. This can help expand our lung capacity and improved endurance.