Rules and Regulations

Every student must attend the school. at least 85% of the total
working days, Students who fail to maintain the above percentage will not be allowed to appear in the Annual Promotion examination.
1. Leave may be granted in case of extreme emergency only on special request from the parent/guardian, in the leave
record column provided in the diary itself.
2. Separate application sent for this purpose will not be considered.
3. Ordinarily such leave shall be limited to maximum of three days only. Medical leave extending up to maximum 10
days shall be granted to a student on producing the medical certificate. Those who nail from other states will not get more than 15 days leave to go to their native place.
Unauthorized absence from the school shall be considered as serious misconduct and strong disciplinary action shall be taken against the defaulter rolls.
Student can be withdrawn from the school at any time. A Notice of withdrawal must reach the office at least 10 days in advance on clearing all the dues of the school, school leaving certificate will be issued.
Admissions are made on full year basis and the parent/guardian is required to pay charges for the full year.
No remission in charges will be allowed on any account.
A student may be expelled from the school for any of the following reasons.
1. Misconduct & Indiscipline.
2. Unsatisfactory academic performance.
3. Failing twice the same class
4. Non-payment of school dues.
5. Violating school rules.
N.B. If a student is expelled from the school, dues up to the month of expulsion will be charged.
Those who come late i.e. after the 1st bell, will not be allowed to go to class and they will be sent back unless concerned parents personally call to the head of the instiution and adduce satisfactory reason for the student reaching the school late, They will be marked absent and are liable for punishment as mentioned in the absent
clause of this diary.
Students of Standard III on wards should use English only as the medium of conversation in the school premises. Using any language other than English will result in the deduction of marks of the house in which he/she belong to and a fine of Rs. 1.00 will be charged. These fines will not be collected every day it will be noted in
the diary in the column provided for it then and there and total of fine of one month will be collected before the 5th of next month. (see column provided for this) not repined.
* All students are expected to attend school neatly dressed and in hygienic way.
* Every student should obey the teacher’s instruction as also other officials of the school.
* Students are expected to keep their class-rooms and surroundings clean.
* Mishandling of school properties will be penalised on a/c of material reclined from the student.
* Strict disciplinary action will be taken against objectional acts/ admissions.
* Students in proper uniform should stand in line according to their heights and pay devotion and
concentration during assembly.
* Every student is expected to participate in House Activities.
* House captains to fulfill all the responsibilities diligently. They must show high order of discipline in every
event and other school activities.
* No abusive language or use of slang words inside the class room or school premises is permitted.
* House prefects and captains have to fulfill all the responsibilities diligently. They must show high order of
discipline in every event and other school activities.
* Co-curricular activities and participation in school festivals are compulsory being the part of curriculum of
one’s education.